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        Service intended

        Coil End Temperature Detector has its element covered in heat-resistance contraction tube and liquid silicone inside, which is engineered for fast response time and strong resistance to vibration. It is usually installed on motors or end part of generator stator. Bearing temperature sensor feature a sensing tip constructed of stainless steel. The bearing temperature sensor design also focuses the temperature sensitive portion of the sensor near the tip of the probe, providing improved accuracy in thermowells, bearings and other installations.

        Standard features

        Element RTD : Pt 100 Ω at 0 °C(DIN) Film type
        Body material Coil End Temperature Detector : Teflon Bearing
        Temperature Sensor : 304SS, 316SS, 316L SS
        Body outer diameter and length Coil End Temperature Detector : Min. 4 x Min. 25 mm
        Bearing Temperature Sensor : Min. 3.2 x Min. 6.35 mm
        Molding Coil End Temperature Detector : Silicone filled
        Bearing Temperature Sensor : Epoxy filled, Silicon filled
        Standard Explosive atmospheres.
        Equipment - General requirements
        IEC 60079-0 / EN 60079-0
        Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres.
        Increased safety " e "
        IEC 60079-7 / EN 60079-7
        Intrinsic safety " i "
        IEC 60079-11 / EN 60079-11
        Certificates ATEX II 2G Ex e IIC Gb
        IECEx Ex e IIC Gb
        ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T6...T3 Ga
        IECEx Ex ia IIC T6...T3 Ga
        Tolerances on temperature reading R.T.D.
        Class A : ± (0.15 + 0.002 l t l)
        Class B : ± (0.3 + 0.005 l t l)
        Service Temperature (Ex e) -40 °C ≤ Tservice ≤ 180 °C
        Ambient Temperature ■ Temperature class T6 : -40 °C < Tamb < 75 °C
        (1) One Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 25 mA, Pi = 70 mW
        (2) Two Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 15 mA (each Pt100),
             Pi = 50 mW (together)
        ■ Temperature class T5 : -40 °C < Tamb < 95 °C
        (1) One Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 55 mA, Pi = 630 mW
        (2) Two Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 45 mA (each Pt100),
             Pi = 760 mW (together)
        ■ Temperature class T4 : -40 °C < Tamb < 130 °C
        (1) One Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 55 mA, Pi = 630 mW
        (2) Two Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 50 mA (each Pt100),
             Pi = 1 W (together)
        ■ Temperature class T3 : -40 °C < Tamb < 180 °C
        (1) One Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 40 mA, Pi = 255 mW
        (2) Two Pt100
             Ui = 30 V, Ii = 30 mA (each Pt100),
             Pi = 260 mW (together)









        0535-6659888 6266701 13791299333

        ? 2023 煙臺華達機電有限公司

           本站支持IPV6訪問 | 營業(yè)執(zhí)照

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